High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol

Risks, Effects, and Management Approaches

Having high cholesterol is one of the leading risk factors for developing heart disease. The team at Phoenix Heart is committed to helping you lower your cholesterol and decrease your risk factors for coronary artery disease, stroke, and other serious health problems. For a check of your cholesterol, call or book an appointment online with one of the Phoenix Heart offices in Glendale, Goodyear, Anthem, Buckeye, Laveen, Cottonwood, or Black Canyon City, Arizona.
Close up nurse pricking needle syringe in the arm patient drawing blood sample for blood test

High Cholesterol Q & A

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy element of your body that helps to build cells and produce hormones and vitamin D. It’s naturally produced in the liver and is also found in many foods.

Within normal, healthy limits, cholesterol is an important part of a well-functioning body. When too high, it can build up in the bloodstream, causing blockages in the blood vessels and preventing proper blood flow to your body’s systems.

What are the Types of Cholesterol?

There are two main types of cholesterol, or rather two types of cells that help manage cholesterol in the body. These cells are called lipoproteins, and they manage cholesterol in different ways.
  • Low-Density Lipoprotein:
    Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is often referred to as “bad cholesterol,” because as it transports cholesterol through the body it can cause buildup in the bloodstream and blood vessels.
  • High-Density Lipoprotein:
    High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is also called “good cholesterol,” as it helps to collect excess cholesterol in the blood and prevent blockages from occurring.
For healthy cholesterol levels in the body, you want a low LDL level and a high HDL level. When you have your cholesterol checked, your results reflect how much of each type of cholesterol you have.

What are Some Complications of High Cholesterol?

The most significant risk factor of high cholesterol is heart disease, specifically coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is caused by blockages in the arteries, which causes an interruption in blood flow throughout the body.

High cholesterol can also increase your risk for:

Regular checks of your cholesterol levels help to identify your risk factors and enable you to make changes that may help you to prevent these complications.

How Can I Lower My Cholesterol?

To lower your LDL cholesterol and increase your HDL cholesterol, some changes you can make are:

If your cholesterol can’t be controlled using these lifestyle changes, you may require cholesterol-lowering drugs.

For a cholesterol check, call Phoenix Heart today or book an appointment online.

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